
Letter to Lev Lady

Dear Lev musician
I reply to you.

Funny thing is that in the Jewish music and visual art world, I did know and appreciate many artists due to my own arts magazine monthly interviewing and writing since 1980, directing arts programs, and co-hosting at times on Jewish radio, and loving going to concerts, and art and music camps, and art and music schools, and creating and teaching art, and participating in Jewish retreats with arts when I could get away, and playing with others, and creating bands, and being musicians' agent, but as I grow older, young artists are thankfully out there, and I barely know who they are, and I am interested. I see and realize a younger generation takes its place leading in our world.

I do love Nefesh Mountain, and I’ve met the local young man who is doing the rounds on leading Sephardic music Shabbats. (Decades ago I used to write about his father in the Jewish Calendar Magazine). Especially I’ve always loved Jewish music when I discovered it, probably after my marriage. Grew up with music in my home and instruments in my hands. Gave that love to my daughter and now Aviva gives to her daughters.  When I was a teenager I used to hitch hike from NY to Newport, R.I. to go to the Newport Folk and the Jazz music festivals. (I had tickets to Woodstock...) Thanks for allowing me to reminisce; I’ve shared with you before.  Did I ever tell you that I danced with the Hare Krishnas in Central Park? Chanting with them still deeply touches me, as it does with Sufi dancing. Danced with Indians not long ago. and felt that seriousness and their authentic ritual. I've commissioned native Indian drums to be made for me, and played their large drums. I love playing world music instruments and meeting musicians.

Most ongoing mamash magical music moments, impacting me greatly, blesSings for me– were meeting/ playing with Reb Shlomo, Reb Zeller, T. Bikel, Babatunde, and Debby, all z’l, and now for 19 years, dear Cindy.  I used to play her music when I was on Jewish radio, before I ever knew Cindy. And now, I know YOU  :) . As Shlomo used to say, “You’re the best.”   I love our Lev Eisha band and the ladies (and guys) we play for as they dance, sing and pray in the pews. I am very grateful.

BlesSings, Joy

Toba August, Ruth Belonsky, Cindy Paley, Robin Winston, Sharon Alexander, Joy Krauthammer

(spliced together from a Lev Eisha retreat video)

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